Products and Services for Senior Citizens and Their marketing

 Many elders live alone and find it difficult to perform their daily tasks, and their requirements differ from young or middle-aged people. Fortunately, many companies manufacture products and offer services that make their living more accessible and safer. The helpful stuff for the elderly include wearable electronic devices, toilet seat risers, grab bars for the bathroom, adjustable beds, waterproof mattresses, overbed tables, bed railings, adaptive clothing, touch-tone telephones with large buttons, clocks or wristwatches with voice, mobility or low vision aids, etc. among many. Furthermore, some services help seniors maintain their independence. Home care and transportation services are essential to ensure invaluable peace of mind and respite as the needs of seniors change quickly.

Importance of Senior Segment

The senior citizen segment is significant in the USA, and they have considerable spare income at their disposal. The proper guidance and marketing can make this segment a lucrative market as the seniors look for advice and support to spend their money meaningfully for a fulfilling life. The companies providing products and services for seniors often prefer to advertise their offerings in magazines for senior citizens. The publishers offer online senior magazine advertising rates to the companies based on their reach and popularity. Apart from print media advertising, the companies adopt the following techniques for successful senior marketing.

  • They emphasize the product's or service's simplicity by connecting with them through relatable terms. 

  • They run campaigns for seniors offering free deliveries, birthday gifts, or special sale days, making them feel valuable, independent, and respected. 

  • The companies often employ word-of-mouth publicity and social media to connect with seniors.

  • The professionals build trust by maintaining the confidentiality of seniors' personal information and using testimonials and money-back guarantees in senior marketing

  • The companies customize marketing and communication strategies based on education, culture, location, employment status, etc.

  • Most salespeople stay in touch with the senior citizens after the sale for support to resolve any issue and impart valuable experience.

  • To make advertising appealing, they select visuals of people 5-10 years younger than the targeted citizens.

  • Their advertising focuses more on reasons and explanations with visuals without creating hype.

It is wrong to presume that online shopping is challenging for senior citizens, as they spend more time online than working or studying millennials. The companies making products for senior citizens can effectively reach the target audience through e-commerce sites, social media, and native advertising in print media. 
